Saturday, May 25, 2013

Corporation Beach

I love living on Cape Cod! Seriously, how lucky am I to call this place my home?! I took this shot in the beginning of May when the weather was just starting to get warmer for us. I was on my way to work when I decided to make a quick stop here at Corporation Beach. I Pulled into the parking lot where I encountered a few other people (either walking the beach or sitting in their cars) just soaking up the beauty. I put my car in park; rolled down my windows half-way and turned the car off. Immediately, I heard the sounds of seagulls and smelled the sea salt air as the ocean breeze came spilling into my car. Ahhhh! Love it! I thanked God for the day; for His creation and His love. What a great way to start my morning! 


  1. Amazing! breathtaking! God paints it,and you capture it for us to enjoy!
